University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
My responsibilities as an undergraduate TA at UMN included leading and teaching Tuesday/Thursday discussions, grading and providing feedback for student work, holding office hours/scheduled appointments, and creating exam review material. Class sizes varied from 15-28 students per section.
University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Fall 2018: Math 1051 Precalculus I*
Discussion 012
Spring 2018: Math 1031 College Algebra with Probability
Discussion Section 022
Fall 2017: Math 1031 College Algebra with Probability
Discussion Sections: 011, 012
Fall 2017-Spring 2018: UMTYMP Algebra I**
* = in addition to Tu/Th discussions, I also attended MWF classes, which were taught as an active-learning environment. The instructor lectured on material for half of the time, and the remaining time was left for students to work in group activities; my role was to provide further support for the group activities.
** = I attended Tu/Th classes to help facilitate group activities and graded and provided student homework